Hey Guys!

We would like to invite you to a NIGHT PUBBING, which will be a Pub Tour. We think we can make it with a sip of alcohol and lots of LOLs #yolo#erasmusdebrecen and #foreverESNDebrecen. Just kidding, no hashtags here. :D

So we thought of a team-race, in the bars, than we could finish the night in our favourite bar, Bakelit!

So be ready, on 22 Sept, Tuesday at 8:45 PM. Let's meet at MOB. This pub is in the line of the tram 1, Address: Bem tér 1! ;)


  1. Mob (location)
  2. Ibolya (location)
  3. Romker Debrecen (location)
  4. Bakelit (location)

Facebook event

We can promise you one thing: you will remember this night... or maybe you won't?! ;)

Hope to see you there!

ESN Debrecen Team

Map about the venues
22/09/2015 - 20:45